May 25, 2015

#DRDS Ep. 39 w/ J.Hicks – Matthew Dellave-“diver”, NBA Mop-ups and More

On this holiday special edition (S/O the Vets) of the #DaRundown Sports Podcast, I got in a conversations with the homey J. Hicks (@HHSReport) from the […]
May 21, 2015

#DRDS Ep. 38 Chris Paul Debate, NBA Conference Finals

Hey what’s going down guys. Here’s candid conversation I had with one of the future contributors to #DaRundown. My good friend Jez, who was around when […]
May 13, 2015

#DRDS 37: Tom Brady is Lil Wayne, NBA Playoff Nightly, Falcons under the curse of Mike Vick

Trying something new to get more involved with the conversation. So instead me blogging these thoughts and making you read all of them you can just […]
April 23, 2015

#DRDS Podcast 35 w/ J. Hicks From HHSR on NBA Playoffs, 2015 Hip-Hop and more

I chat with J. Hicks. from Hip-Hop Sports Report about the NBA Playoffs, 2015 Hip-Hop, Mayweather - Pacquiao, the and how much Tiger Woods and Mike Tyson have in common