The Dallas Cowboys have a big decision to. Stay with Dak Pressott or go back to Tony Romo?   Azealia Banks has an incident at Russell Crowe’s dinner party.
The Dallas Cowboys have a decision to make in whether to keep Dak Presscott starting or go back to Tony Romo. I understand there is momentum to protect. It seems that the media and the fans believe more in the narrative of Tony Romo being a screw up or someone who can’t win when it counts instead of what he is. Which is he is a to 10 quarterback in the league. Sometimes you have to look at the stats and look at the sum parts. Dak isn’t ask to do a whole lot and it’s working. With Romo being out a few more weeks, the decision for the Dallas Cowboys will be even harder.
Russell Crowe tossed Azealia Banks out of his dinner party. Banks was the plus one of RZA and from sounds of it, she didn’t fit the crowd. As you can imagine both parties have completely different stories. Crowe’s people are saying that Azealia criticized the music selection by calling them “boring old white men” Apparently Russell didn’t like it and yolked her ass out the party. Banks on the other hand say something a little different. According to a TMZ interview, she was choked, spit on, called the N word, and RZA did nothing. She fired all kind of shots and now we wait. Who do you believe? I can’t wait for the entire truth to come out.
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